hauteCROSSbuns by Reena Gurbaksh

Bits of this and that

Is it April already? March 31, 2011

Filed under: littlethings — hautecrossbuns @ 12:10 pm

Okay, okay, i know I haven’t been the best at updating this blog, but you know — life has a funny way of making us slaves to everyday mundane tasks that we forget to do the things that ought to be important.

This year has been great so far, though. And really it’s been about FRIENDS. I have made it a point to meet regularly with some of my dearest pals. Some of whom I hadn’t seen in years when I was stuck in that awful abyss between a full-time career and party-time mothering. We’ve shared great laughs (and I must admit, nasty gossip!) over great food and wine, and nothing can compare to what that kind of ‘bonding’ does to lift a gal’s spirits.

Life is short, so celebrate your friends and your friendship. For that is truly one of life’s simplest and biggest joys. 



The genius that was Alex McQueen June 8, 2010

Filed under: thisandthat — hautecrossbuns @ 4:09 pm

SJP honoured the late designer at the CFDA, but I think this sums up his amazing style.